Wednesday 20 December 2017

Holiday Season

Hello all!

The holiday season has come so fast and we have so many exciting things going on this week!

Our Christmas concert is tonight! The doors open at 6 p.m. and the concert begins at 6:30 p.m. Tickets for cake raffle will be 50 cents each. Everyone has been working so hard practicing and the show is going to be great!

On Friday, we will be having a class party with games and snacks to share. It will also be PJ day on Friday. Please see your email for more details!

There is no school from December 25-January 5. School begins again Monday, January 8, 2017.

I wish you all the best during your holiday break, and look forward to the new year!

Tuesday 12 December 2017

What Are We Learning and Spirit Day

The holiday season is fast approaching and December has brought many exciting things for us to learn.

In L.A, we continue with our Daily 5 strategies during independent and partner reading. Please remember to encourage reading at home, especially during the holiday break! If you get a chance, take some time to have your child read out loud to you and tell you about the chapter they have read. This will give them the opportunity to strengthen their accuracy and comprehension in reading.

Our writing this month is focused on a holiday themed persuasive piece. We are learning lots of exciting ways to write strong and convincing paragraphs.

In math, we will wrap up our first measurement unit next week. This unit is focused on reading and writing times and dates. This is a fun unit with lots of practical use at school and home.

Our Social unit is about Living with the Land in Alberta. This is focused on the ways of life and the connections that First Nations people in Alberta have with the land. We have learned lots of different ways to interact with the land, as well as pass down stories and knowledge.

We are finishing up our Wheels and Levers unit in Science. It has been a fun hands on unit. We began with popcan dragsters, then moved on to cardboard cars, pulleys, gear systems, levers, and more!

This exciting week will finish with a spirit day on Friday. Wear your craziest holiday themed outfit this Friday, December 15!